Skills Matrix
What is a Skills Matrix? A skills matrix, or competency matrix, is a tool to map required and desired skills…
Leading the Leaders...
What is a Skills Matrix? A skills matrix, or competency matrix, is a tool to map required and desired skills…
JOB: “Job is a ‘group of tasks to be performed everyday.” JOB ANALYSIS Definition 1: (Process of Collecting Information) “Job…
Hot Stove Rule of Discipline The “Hot-Stove Rule” was introduced by Douglas McGregor. It gives a good illustration of how…
"Return on Investment," or ROI, is the term given to a mathematical calculation used in the finance industry and business…
The left-hand column of this Skills Matrix identifies skill and knowledge areas, and the top row lists people’s names. At…
1) Compensation and benefits: 49 percent HR professionals leave the organization for increased compensation. This reason is more dominant over any other…
Know your jobs. Another thing to keep in mind in getting reliable market data is to appropriately benchmark your jobs.…