HR Metrics

Human Capital Value Added

Human Capital Value Added (HCVA) is a measure of the extent to which employees add value

to the business.

HCVA = Revenue – (Total Costs – Employment Cost) / Full Time Employees

This indicator is included in the book: Key Performance Indicators – the 75+ measures every

manager needs to know, which contains an in-depth description of this KPI, as well as practical

advice on data collection, calculations, target setting, and acutal usage.

Revenue per Employee

Revenue per Employee is an indicator of how much revenue is generated per employee – and

therefore an important productivity ratio.

Revenue per Employee = Revenue / Number of (full time equivalent) Employees

This indicator is included in the book: Key Performance Indicators – the 75+ measures every

manager needs to know, which contains an in-depth description of this KPI, as well as practical

advice on data collection, calculations, target setting, and acutal usage.

Employee Satisfaction

Employee Satisfaction Index is a multi-item measure of how satisfied employees are. Depending

on the organisational priorities, it can include measures such as leadership, career progression,

training, company culture, conditions and pay.

Employee Engagement Level

Employee Engagement Level is a multi-item measure of how engaged employees are in their

job. Depending on the organisational priorities measures could include recognition, goal clarity,

contribution, learning, etc.

Staff Advocacy Score

Staff Advocacy Score is a measure of the extent to which employees are advocates of the

business. It can be measured by asking a simple question: “How likely is it that you would

recommend this company as an employer to a friend?”

Employee Churn Rate

Employee Churn Rate is a measure of the level of staff retention in a business.

Employee Churn Rate = Total number of leavers over period / Average total number

employed over period

Average Employee Tenure

Average Employee Tenure is a measure of the time employees tend to stay with a particular

company. Employee tenure can provide insights into employee loyalty, employee satisfaction as

well as the freshness level of the workforce.

Average Employee Tenure = Sum of all tenures / number of full-time employees

Absenteeism Bradford Factor

Absenteeism Bradford Factor is a measure of the level of unauthorized employee absence from


Bradford Factor = Dt x Et x Et

Dt = Total number of days of unplanned absence

Et = Total number of individual spells or episodes of absense

360-Degree Feedback Score

360-Degree Feedback Score is a measure of people performance through the eyes of other

employees (both bosses and subordinates). It is a multi-item measure that could include

measures of skill and capability, leadership, etc

Employee Core Competency Profile

Employee Core Competency Profile is an indicator that helps companies understand the extent to

which they have the appropriate skills and competencies.

Diversity Index

Diversity Index is usually a multi-item measure to establish the diversity profile of the

workforce. Based on the strategic needs of a business, measures could include gender, ethnicity,

social and cultural background, as well as education levels.

Performance Review Completion Ratio

Performance Review Completion Factor is a measure of the extent to which employees receive

regular performance and career development reviews.

Performance Review Completion Factor = (Rc / Ra) x 100

Rc = total number of performance reviews completed in a given time period

Ra = total number of employees that should have received a performance review in that same

time period

Salary Competitiveness Ratio

Salary Competitiveness Ratio (SCR) is a measure of how competitive the current salary is that a

company offers for specific job roles. Salary competitiveness can be measured against specific

competitors or against the general market.

Salary Competitiveness Ratio (competitor) = Salary offered by your company / Salary

offered by your competitor

Salary Competitiveness Ratio (industry) = Salary offered by your company / Average

Salary offered in the industry or sector

Executive to Employee Pay Ratio

Executive-to-Employee Pay Ratio is a measure of the gap between top level and entry level

remuneration and therefore an indicator of remuneration fairness.

Executive-to-Employee Pay Ratio = (Px / Pe) / 1

Where Px = CEO Pay and Pe = Pay for lowest paid worker

Time to Hire

Time to Hire is a recruitment indicator that shows how long it takes to fill vacant posts.

Time to Hire = Elapsed time between Time of posting and Time to Start

Training Return on Investment

Training Return on Investment is a measure of training effectiveness. It measures the return a

company gets from providing training. It is usually measured using a multi-scale approach to

cover different benefit levels.

Time Lost due to Accidents or Injuries

Time Lost due to Accidents or Injuries is an indicator of safety in the operational environment of

a business and indicates the risks of accidents

Time Lost Due to Accidents or Injuries (LTI) = number of man days lost due to accidents

or injury in a period/total hours worked in this period

Leaver Attitude Score

Leaver Attitude Score measures the attitude of employees who leave the organisation or their

current the job. The data for the Leaver Attitude Score is usually derived from a from completed

at an exit interview. Attitudes can be scored on different dimensions.

Strategy Awareness Level

Strategy Awareness Level measures the percentage of the workforce that are aware of the

corporate (or business unit) strategy. Strategy Awareness Level is usually measured as part of an

employee survey or a performance review.

Strategy Awareness Level = (Employees that are aware of the strategy / Number of Full-

Time-Equivalent Employees) x 100

Average Applications to Open Posts

Average Applications to Open Posts helps to measure how attractive a company is as a potential

employer. Average Applications to Open Posts can be measured by job families and compared

across sectors.

Net Promoter Score

The Net Promoter Score is a measure of customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. It is based

on a single question: How likely is it that you would recommend [Company X or product Y or

service Z] to a friend or colleague?

This question is then scored against a 10point scale (0=Not at all likely, 10 Extremely likely).

Responses between 0-7 are classified as detractors and responses between 9 and 10 as promoters.

Net Promoter Score = % of Promoters – % of Detractors

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